
Are you passionate about Wiezen? Then Whisthub is the place for you! Whisthub is a website where you can play Wiezen online for free against other players, AI opponents or a combination of both! We also offer other popular card games such as Hearts, Colour Whist and Manille.

To play a game you can either join an open room or host your own room below. Do you prefer to play alone? Click on "Play" above to play against AI opponents!

Participate in the upcoming World Championship Wiezen on in Turnhout. Register here!


If you are new to Whisthub, then make sure to give the page with frequently asked questions a read. Here you can find all kinds of information about Whisthub in general, such as if you have to sign up, how the reputation system works, or what is included in the premium subscription!

What are the rules of Wiezen?

Wiezen can be seen as a simpler variant of Colour Whist. Unlike Colour Whist, the trump suit is not determined by a bidding process, but by turning over the last card. As with Colour Whist, there are a number of "special" contracts, such as Abondance and Misery, which are valued higher than the normal Asking and Accepting.

The rules and points in wiezen on Whisthub are the same as used by the IWWAIWWA with one exception: when the dealer wants to play misery, he does not have the possibility to exchange the trump card. In other words, in that case the other players already know one card held by the dealer. The reason is that exchanging cards is difficult when playing on a computer and hence the choice has been made to not allow it. If you are looking for an English explanation of the rules of Wiezen, you can refer to the rules of Solo Whist on pagat.com (see also below).

What is the difference between Wiezen and Solo Whist?

Solo Whist is a British game that is basically the same as Wiezen. In fact it was actually derived from it. There's a tiny difference in terminology: Prop is called Ask in Wiezen, and Cop is Accept. The other difference is the scoring, but as that is done automatically on Whisthub, it shouldn't matter too much.

If you are looking to play Solo Whist online, then you might definitely want to give Wiezen a try! Should there be sufficient demand for it, then Solo Whist might eventually be released as a separate game on Whisthub. For the moment this is not done to not scatter the already limited user base of Wiezen over two games.

Who is Whisthub?

Sebastiaan Marynissen Whisthub is created by Sebastiaan Marynissen. The idea to create a website dedicated to Colour Whist was born during his higher education and was initially meant as a learning experience. In the meantime, Whisthub has become a website where you can play various card games online, such as Colour Whist, Manille, Wiezen, Barbu King and Hearts.

The website is incorporated in a private company Whisthub BV with company number 0746.750.441 and is currently under active development. The goal is to create a vibrant community where passionate players can meet eachother: young or old, beginner or expert! In case you have any questions you can contact [email protected].

Whisthub is dedicated to Bert Marynissen, the man who taught me not to lead the Queen, but above all the best father a son could wish for.